Welcome to the Million Tree Pledge
We are a group of individuals and businesses, committed to planting over 1 million trees each in response to the Climate Emergency.
"What did you do to stop climate change?"
This is a question many of us will be called upon to answer in the future by younger generations.
If you’re like most people we speak to, the chances are you’ll be feeling overwhelmed by the scale and urgency of the climate crisis.
But there are things you can do...

The Pledge
What better legacy to leave than a forest, absorbing
thousands of tonnes of C02 each year?

Plant 1 Million Trees
Rise up, and draw down by committing to planting over 1 million trees over the next 10 years.

Find 2 More Pledgers
The second part is to find at least two other people or businesses to make the pledge along with you.

The truth is not everyone can, or will plant trees
Which is why we need committed individuals and businesses to make a bold pledge to plant millions of trees.
Even if everyone in the world stopped producing C02 today, we would still need decades of drawing down all the greenhouse gases we’ve collectively emitted over the last 200 years to avoid ecological collapse.

Trees planted so far
Trees pledged so far
Seriously considering it?
Imagine how it would feel to have planted 1 million trees, being part of this number, knowing you’re going way beyond your carbon footprint to help reverse climate change.